Holy Mother of God Church

Adress:  34 Sebastia St, Yerevan
Phone:  (010) 73 00 75

Before the Armenian Genocide of 1915 the population of the city Melitene-Malatia, of Minor Hayk, was 40,000, out of which 20,000 were Armenians. After the Genocide of 1915, the Armenians who had a narrow escape, were scattered throughout the world and found shelter in various countries of the world. In 1927, when the Armenians of Melitene-Malatia immigrated into the Soviet Armenia, they built a district in one of the peripheries of Yerevan and named the district Nor Malatia (New Malatia). Presently Nor Malatia (New Malatia) district is a prospering and flourishing district. The district’s population is 178,00.
Many apartment houses, 10 industrial enterprises, among them the factory of silk of Nor Malatia (New Malatia), cultural center, schools, market, football school were built. In 1965, a clinical hospital was built in the district. Also a monument and park dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 were built and nearby the monument a church was built. The church was built in resemblance to the main Church of the historical city Melitene-Malatia and was named St. Mary, in honor of Holy Godmother. Architect of the church is Hrachya Gasparian. During the construction of the church earth was brought from the old Melitene-Malatia and was mixed to the mortar of the walls. The construction of the Church started in 1991 and was dedicated to the memory of the heroes, and among them Armenians of Malatia, who were martyred in the struggle for liberation for Artsakh. The construction started during the period of reign of Vazken I Catholicos of All Armenians. Initiators of the construction of the church were the district governor Vahan Zatikian and the staff of the district governor’s office. Thanks to the proper and careful organization of the construction works by Vahan Zatikian, construction of the Church of St. Mary, Holy Godmother and the precincts came to en end. The church functions since 1998.

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